
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lights Emerging From Darkness

Chapter 6
Lights Emerging From Darkness 

The coffees were over. Love was off! atleast was on the side table. I knew I liked her but  I had to move on. she was Avoiding me at school, tutions and everywhere else. I could see her running out of the lobby when she sees me coming. I could see her closing her face in book when we sat at library. Just for the sake of knowledge, I do go to library sometimes to read!
I didn’t wanted to hurt me more by trying anymore. The Baroda interschool Tournament was started. As the Venue was at our school, We had lots of friends and fans cheering our team. The Qualifying rounds started with a bash! Watching RNR (Rana Niravsingh Rathod school),  the defending champions beat their opponent with a vast difference, audience were going crazy. It was our now turn to show something. We had a tough start but with the game moving forward we were leading every match with atleast 10 points. Our coach cheered us with great enthusiasm and With totally active skipper Dixit, we were holding it tight to semi finals. Basket! basket ! Pass and Again a basket! past the half time we were 40 home - 10 away. With 24 points and leading Points Scorer Tag, I was star of the match until dixit started scoring 3 pointers and outnumbered me. I was trying my best To Impress the audience, ummm...audience? In the 2nd row near the coach were the girls Cheering for us and As kesha was a big fan of basketball there was no way she would not attend our schools’ big game. Basket again!!! Dixit was annoying me and so after I started playing solo.with three baskets on a row, I was actually doing well until the Thunder struck at an amazingly wrong time. Dixit was Asking for a pass, time was 10 seconds on the clock and I got the golden pass. I jumped through opponent team’s players and as I was near starting a lay-up, The Big black guy of the opponent tried to stop me and hit me right in the chest. The time really got slower when I saw me falling to the ground and breaking my ankle! Oh god that hurts! Couldn’t imagine how stupid I was acting and how crazy I got just for a mere moment of attention! The coach Sentenced to hang me till death! well on positive side I got the leading tag! ;) I could do nothing but sit for the remaining matches and watch my team scoring points on points and my arm hurting from joints to joints! We were in the finals and I was out of the team! No moment could be that hurtful when you realize how your one silly mistake steals your months of hard work. Nevermind I would love to watch my team playing. Haven’t got any options too. I didn’t understood How to act when we won the match and everyone were running towards our team congratulating each and no-one suddenly cares for me? I was sadly Glad. though the ankle was hurting a bit when I clapped but I was happy with it. I so damn deserved it. Yet as we Know, With a little bad, comes a little good too and this time, I was surprised with that familiar face sitting beside me.

‘You played good’ said Kesha.

were you here the whole time?’ I asked

‘yeah I saw you falling really hard on the ground and for a sec I was like OMG but then you were ok and I thought...btw how’s it? Is It hurting?’
‘Yeah, my heart’s hurting a lot!’ I said in a dramatically sad voice.
‘oh! I was actually interested about your Hand.’
‘ It’s Fine. I’ll show it to a doctor.’ I said as I giggled.
‘ like me? She asked.
‘No, definitely not someone like you. I’ll meet a good doctor.’
‘Burn in hell karthik!’ She said as she burst out in laughter.
wow! we were talking to each other again. Wasn’t she avoiding me? She must be running to her chemistry practicals for she would have been late when I saw her running through Lobby. She
must be really Reading in the library for the class test we had the day. Oh, I was so wrong! I should have been a little less obsessed and a bit more positive about her.

‘heyya! Congo dude! You still are the leading scorer of the game! You get a trophy too..!’ came screaming, taral
Cool’ I said when I finally got some attention.
We want a treat!’ said they both in same seconds of that minute.
Domino’s?’ I asked

Hell, No! I mean yeah but I’ll love to go for a movie Too!’ Taral excitedly said.
‘Yeah, i’ll love a movie too’ kesha added convincing me.
‘see you guys at six?’
Yeah, PVR!’ Dixit joined us.
I would have mind dixit saying he would join us unless he was not taral’s boyfriend. We really hated him not because of his arrogance but he had this natural ability to make people hate him. also he was the reason Jaimin Haven’t had talk with taral since months. but taral loved him and we all loved taral. Overall Dixit was an asshole we had to tolerate.

We were at the P.V.R. I mean, me and dixit. Girls never show up on time! The Movie started but we entered couple of minutes late which really gets me annoyed because I’m a bit of movie freak and I just hate It when someone comes late for a movie! Nevermind, kesha was right next to my seat and I could not stop myself looking at her rather than at the screen. I wished the movie was a horror one so I can be opportune enough to get the benefits of it but unfortunately there were none on the screens that week. Hard luck! The movie, though was a full on entertainment which distracted my attention towards screen. I’m Glad it did because I loved it when I surprisingly noticed my arm and I saw Her hand on mine. Neither I knew how to act nor I had any Idea If she did it on Purpose! Who cares, Right. Suddenly I’m back. I’m back in love. Oh, her beauty is back in front of my eyes and damn I’m missing the movie! I could feel the touch of her and as I moved my fingers a bit, she took her hand away. ‘ THAT AWKWARD MOMENT ’. She locked her eyes on the screen and she couldn’t stop herself from giving that blushy smile. I was speechless, So was she. Taral was staring at me and I could lip read her saying, “ Wow!” I cannot simply get it in my head that I Might have got to the next level. The movie was a great Celebration for me. Same was the Dinner when I got kesha to talk about what happenned back at the cinema. Though she couldn’t deny accepting it, she reasoned she was resting her arm and It suddenly touched mine! Duh! Invalid Argument! I could See her lies in those eyes covered in light mascara and I could see a shining light disclosing from the bottom of her heart..

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