
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Short Memory, A Big Secret!

Chapter 8
A Short Memory, A Big Secret!
It was Sunday’s evening by now and taral was finally out of her grief.
Maybe not but she was smiling and that was enough. The girl who brought that smile back was but the same girl who took mine a couple of hours ago telling me to go fuck off! Yes of course, she didn’t said that but her words meant same to me. But hey, Girls are stupid! they don’t know what the say! I tried to convince myself. Taral had ordered some pizzas and we had a great time being all of us together after a long time. A Full - Fat dinner later, kesha pulled me to the balcony.

‘So what did exactly happened between taral and jaimin?’
‘what? does it matter now?’
‘taral told me she loved it when jaimin took his call and came running without being pissed for everything that happened before. I just wanna know what happened!’ She said.
‘You can ask taral then.’
‘yes I did! She told me they both had a fight. why? because of dixit. why? because he was her boyfriend. that’s it! I don’t understand how?’’
she said.  ‘Nevermind, don’t tell me.’ slowly turning away from me.

‘It was two months due for our Standard 10th board exams and Schools were quiet over. Only few of us went to school after the courses were completed. some mates didn’t come school to study at home, some didn’t to sleep at home.’ I narrated.
she quickly turned back, sat near me and stared at me asking me to continue. Butterflies in my belly!
‘I entered the line of latecomers waiting to get their late Notes with jaimin. from the beginning of the time, I had this Strange habit to be late at each and every day of the school! I would have made the AIEEE books look smaller than the collections of the notes from principal Shouting “LATE”'.
‘So that’s why princy hates you?’ she interrupted.
‘let’s say it’s one of the reason.’ I smirked.
‘Jaimin was a middle-class boy just like me until his dad got the deal of his dreams and grew big. In a very short period of 2 years, their bank accounts gulped the amount of money we will ever see in our life. Though he was very studies, he was never far at fun time. Over everything, ‘never late to school boy’ had came with me today because our Dearest Taral had put a nail under his wheel a day ago to teach him AWARENESS. Well, she says SO! We entered the class and found her sitting alone on the last bench. Like always! Taral was the richest girl in our school. Her dad was a hot-shot advocate and from the days she couldn’t spell days, she got everything she asked for. Her father was though too busy to spend his time with his daughter but nevertheless she grew up without ever complaining about it. Her only complaint was that her father never appeared to the annual day’s function.
’Wait. What does annual day has to do with taral?’ Kesha asked.
‘She was not always this taral. she used to be the girl who would be the monitor of class, Favourite student of the class teacher and the cultural activist all at the same time. but I guess with time she realized Bad grades grab attention more quickly than good grades do.’
‘Wow! I can’t imagine taral in that picture!’ She said raising her eyebrows.
‘Neither can I.’
‘what? haven’t you seen her that way?’
‘No! I joined our school when I was fourteen. taral was changed by then. Every teacher, Students and the seniors knew her for her Anti-scholars attitude.’ I said. ‘ Though Jaimin and taral were kindergarten friends! Chadi-Buddies!
‘okey, so what then?’ she giggled.
‘hey, you know what?’ taral said looking at me.
‘what?’ I asked goggle-eyed.
‘My morning was a little punctured!’ she said with a sneer. ‘how was yours, jaimin?’
‘It’s not funny, taral!’ said Jaimin with a little aggression on his face.
‘It’s not about fun! It’s about teaching you a little technique called presence of mind!’ she mocked.
‘huh! what’s it with you taral! leave him on his own. if he cannot take your pranks, stay away from him’ I said mocking jaimin.
Jaimin gave a ‘I Hate you Both’ look and sat opening his books.
‘So?’ I asked taral pointing my eyes at jaimin after a while.
‘So? I’m not apologizing for this.’ she whispered.
‘ you should. he came all the way walking to my house at seven in the morning. that was not cool! you should apologize!’ I whispered back.
‘ok. whatever. Jaimin, I’m sorry!’ taral finally said.
‘It’s okay.’ he said and smiled. he really lost the problem when she said sorry. He just got through his rage in one word..weird!’
‘Oh GOD! you know what, kesha? I think I’m the stupidest person ever!’ I said in a loud voice.
‘I don’t know what you are talking about but I agree that you’re stupid.’ She mocked.
‘Ahh! That was rude.’ I said.
‘I know. so what was it you were talking about?’
‘I saw a sad expression on jaimin’s face today and he was a little hyper after he knew taral lied to her for dixit and I saw he was acting a little possessive but I thought No! he never told me so I thought he never did!’
‘Excuse me, did I missed something? ‘Cause I don’t get a Fucking word from what you’re blabbering!’ she said raising her voice.
‘Jaimin Likes Taral!’
‘Wait. Wait. Wait! How can you say that?’
‘Well that day, we were at the canteen when taral told us about dixit. I was quite okay because she was happy but jaimin had a problem with dixit and as the days passed he tried convincing taral to break up with dixit. At first, we both thought he was kidding but then he was acting so weird and one day, he just passed the limits for taral. She was so pissed that why was jaimin trying to cross her personal life. I realize now That maybe she knew it or maybe jaimin had told her he loves her.’ I Felt like I solved the da vinci code.

‘So why did they exactly fought?’
‘Taral told me he crossed the line! Jaimin said nothing about it. Ever.’
‘Karthik! what does it mean that he crossed the line?’ she asked me with a taunting sound.
‘I know! but I thought that he was interfering in her life and..the hell with it! I had no Idea!’
‘It’s crystal clear! Jaimin is in love with her. She’s her childhood friend and all time crush! Aww this is so cute!! Wait! has he been ever in a relationship?’
‘No, he hasn’t!’ I said in a confused voice.
‘Oh thank God! I’m gonna tell taral about this! I mean she already knows this but I’m gonna tell her She had this person all her life and she was dating somebody else!’ she said excitedly.
‘Like, right now?’
‘No! I mean, at the right time. but you are not to tell a word to jaimin!’
‘Yeah. whatever you say.’ I said.

I was a little disappointed. she found it cute that jaimin maybe loves taral from his childhood! Would I’d loved her from her childhood, she would have been mine? It’s not my fault that she had not moved into our school before! I’m sure I would have loved her from my childhood if she has been in it Though I found Brinda Roy way too cute those days..;)

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