
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Lights Emerging From Darkness

Chapter 6
Lights Emerging From Darkness 

The coffees were over. Love was off! atleast was on the side table. I knew I liked her but  I had to move on. she was Avoiding me at school, tutions and everywhere else. I could see her running out of the lobby when she sees me coming. I could see her closing her face in book when we sat at library. Just for the sake of knowledge, I do go to library sometimes to read!
I didn’t wanted to hurt me more by trying anymore. The Baroda interschool Tournament was started. As the Venue was at our school, We had lots of friends and fans cheering our team. The Qualifying rounds started with a bash! Watching RNR (Rana Niravsingh Rathod school),  the defending champions beat their opponent with a vast difference, audience were going crazy. It was our now turn to show something. We had a tough start but with the game moving forward we were leading every match with atleast 10 points. Our coach cheered us with great enthusiasm and With totally active skipper Dixit, we were holding it tight to semi finals. Basket! basket ! Pass and Again a basket! past the half time we were 40 home - 10 away. With 24 points and leading Points Scorer Tag, I was star of the match until dixit started scoring 3 pointers and outnumbered me. I was trying my best To Impress the audience, ummm...audience? In the 2nd row near the coach were the girls Cheering for us and As kesha was a big fan of basketball there was no way she would not attend our schools’ big game. Basket again!!! Dixit was annoying me and so after I started playing solo.with three baskets on a row, I was actually doing well until the Thunder struck at an amazingly wrong time. Dixit was Asking for a pass, time was 10 seconds on the clock and I got the golden pass. I jumped through opponent team’s players and as I was near starting a lay-up, The Big black guy of the opponent tried to stop me and hit me right in the chest. The time really got slower when I saw me falling to the ground and breaking my ankle! Oh god that hurts! Couldn’t imagine how stupid I was acting and how crazy I got just for a mere moment of attention! The coach Sentenced to hang me till death! well on positive side I got the leading tag! ;) I could do nothing but sit for the remaining matches and watch my team scoring points on points and my arm hurting from joints to joints! We were in the finals and I was out of the team! No moment could be that hurtful when you realize how your one silly mistake steals your months of hard work. Nevermind I would love to watch my team playing. Haven’t got any options too. I didn’t understood How to act when we won the match and everyone were running towards our team congratulating each and no-one suddenly cares for me? I was sadly Glad. though the ankle was hurting a bit when I clapped but I was happy with it. I so damn deserved it. Yet as we Know, With a little bad, comes a little good too and this time, I was surprised with that familiar face sitting beside me.

‘You played good’ said Kesha.

were you here the whole time?’ I asked

‘yeah I saw you falling really hard on the ground and for a sec I was like OMG but then you were ok and I thought...btw how’s it? Is It hurting?’
‘Yeah, my heart’s hurting a lot!’ I said in a dramatically sad voice.
‘oh! I was actually interested about your Hand.’
‘ It’s Fine. I’ll show it to a doctor.’ I said as I giggled.
‘ like me? She asked.
‘No, definitely not someone like you. I’ll meet a good doctor.’
‘Burn in hell karthik!’ She said as she burst out in laughter.
wow! we were talking to each other again. Wasn’t she avoiding me? She must be running to her chemistry practicals for she would have been late when I saw her running through Lobby. She
must be really Reading in the library for the class test we had the day. Oh, I was so wrong! I should have been a little less obsessed and a bit more positive about her.

‘heyya! Congo dude! You still are the leading scorer of the game! You get a trophy too..!’ came screaming, taral
Cool’ I said when I finally got some attention.
We want a treat!’ said they both in same seconds of that minute.
Domino’s?’ I asked

Hell, No! I mean yeah but I’ll love to go for a movie Too!’ Taral excitedly said.
‘Yeah, i’ll love a movie too’ kesha added convincing me.
‘see you guys at six?’
Yeah, PVR!’ Dixit joined us.
I would have mind dixit saying he would join us unless he was not taral’s boyfriend. We really hated him not because of his arrogance but he had this natural ability to make people hate him. also he was the reason Jaimin Haven’t had talk with taral since months. but taral loved him and we all loved taral. Overall Dixit was an asshole we had to tolerate.

We were at the P.V.R. I mean, me and dixit. Girls never show up on time! The Movie started but we entered couple of minutes late which really gets me annoyed because I’m a bit of movie freak and I just hate It when someone comes late for a movie! Nevermind, kesha was right next to my seat and I could not stop myself looking at her rather than at the screen. I wished the movie was a horror one so I can be opportune enough to get the benefits of it but unfortunately there were none on the screens that week. Hard luck! The movie, though was a full on entertainment which distracted my attention towards screen. I’m Glad it did because I loved it when I surprisingly noticed my arm and I saw Her hand on mine. Neither I knew how to act nor I had any Idea If she did it on Purpose! Who cares, Right. Suddenly I’m back. I’m back in love. Oh, her beauty is back in front of my eyes and damn I’m missing the movie! I could feel the touch of her and as I moved my fingers a bit, she took her hand away. ‘ THAT AWKWARD MOMENT ’. She locked her eyes on the screen and she couldn’t stop herself from giving that blushy smile. I was speechless, So was she. Taral was staring at me and I could lip read her saying, “ Wow!” I cannot simply get it in my head that I Might have got to the next level. The movie was a great Celebration for me. Same was the Dinner when I got kesha to talk about what happenned back at the cinema. Though she couldn’t deny accepting it, she reasoned she was resting her arm and It suddenly touched mine! Duh! Invalid Argument! I could See her lies in those eyes covered in light mascara and I could see a shining light disclosing from the bottom of her heart..

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What Not To Expect When Karma Is On To Fuck You

Chapter 5
What Not To Expect When Karma Is On To Fuck You

I was firm, solid and confident. It was a yes! How can somebody refuse the proposal of a so called lovely and handsome stud like me! Okay, I know What you’re thinking but I actually was good looking. specially after the jaundice 4 years ago, I lost too much weight and all human theory says, ‘Slimmer the Better’. But as a matter of fact, timing is the most important ingredient in the recipe of relationship. To make it right, Every morning I bought a red rose on my way to school. I was ready every day, every hour, every moment. Yet, it always rains when you don’t have an umbrella. I remember his face Fine. I was Late for school and as I passed from the flower shop, the man looked at me so amazed, He shouted, “No More?” And I passed a smile to him. My bag seemed empty without the everyday’s Pride though my books weighed no less than a motherfuckin’ Elephant! I was at basketball court practicing for the IST (Inter School Tournament). After long 2 hours of practice everyone was leaving. Lately when the court was clear as everyone left, I Took the ball, Shooting last shot for the day and at the same time, Taral Entered the court running. Taral Was a beautiful girl with a broad mind and was a witch in her words. she was one of the most wanted girls in our school. Involved in school’s every law breaking activities, we both had many things in common and enjoyed each other’s company a lot.

‘You gotta see this’ She said with her breath shortening
What?’ I asked in a shock!
She pulled my hand and Took me to the School’s Parking. Kesha was there shouting and abusing a guy. It was ashish, A freak but kesha was scaring the shit out of him and as we were almost there to stop her, the idiot tried to hold her hand. BAMMM!!! No Slap Hard as that I had ever seen. We ran to her and taral calmed her. she took her to the basketball court and we Sat there. Now what happened was clear. the guy was flirting with her and she didn’t like it..at all! Taral had her drink some water and now she was cool as an Air conditioner. Though taral wasn’t much of talker, she was discussing it with her and I was getting Bored. I mean what does a guy has to do in between two girls chatting! Nevertheless, I was listening and out of odds, kesha asked taral about the boy and as much I know taral, she acted as she was nervous and taral gets nervous only at one thing. Lying! I wondered why was she lying and what was in her mind but I better not get involved in it But what about taral told that boy to ask kesha just to see how she reacts. I mean she knows everyone in the class. Ahh!! Why am I thinking so much? Girls are really contagious! They were busy chatting 10 more minutes before kesha Left for Home.

‘you knew ashish was gonna do this?’ I asked taral.
‘The way he was asking me about her, I had an Idea.’
‘that why you were nervous when kesha brought him in your chat?’
‘I was not nervous, I was worried! you See, this will happen when you’ll ask her to be your girlfriend! She’s so damn Tempered’ taral said.
‘well, she didn’t reacted that much when I asked!’
Wait, what? you asked her? When?’ taral asked with a confused smile.
I didn’t ask her, I just told her. told her that I love her.’
SO ? what did she said?’
Ah, Nothing!’
Stupid! you need to ask her! GO!’
Now? I mean Right now? (looking at her face) No!! how do I  propose without a Rose? It Looks so...Empty Handed! ‘Wait!’ she said and She quickly went to the tree near the basketball court and brought some flowers that were pinkish red and with her hair band, she made a perfect bouquet for me! I don’t know how to thank her for her incredible contribution in my life. No one has ever been so helpful as her. I quickly ran to the parking and saw kesha kicking her “never starting without kicks” scooty! I ran to her and before She could notice, I was On my knees and as she turned around.

Kesha! I know you might be thinking this is happening very fast and it’s not our age or we should wait before we take it further but I do feel that living without you is like watching 3D movie without 3D glasses! I Mean hey, will you be my gf?’
(Oh! She must be thinking why is everyone proposing in this parking lot.)
She took the flowers from my hand and gave a smile. I would have been the happiest person in the world if she was a mute but she was not! and her words were all different from what her smile said.
‘karthik! you’re very good but you’re my friend!
Friendzoned!! All I could here in my mind was it!
She even said couple of things like we can be this and be happy and blah..blah..I can’t  think much but just that and  blah..blah..
Can’t we give it a try?’
I wish I would have told her but I acted as I was ok and I let her go. Sagar was right. she didn’t love me! what was I thinking! Why did I even Ask Her? How was I that stupid!
‘Hey, you Okay?’ taral asked in hesitation as she approached.
Yeah! well atleast she didn’t slapped me like ashish, right?
he he! but I can fulfill your wish!
(seeing me down she continued)
Oh come on! she’s not the only girl in the world, man! Don’t be that Emo! Let’s spill the beans over a coffee, my treat.’
Treat? Over my heart-break?’ I asked.
Treat! To Overcome it!’ she said bringing a smile on my face...:)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

It Was The Time…

Chapter 4
It was the time…

'Stand up young fellow' said the principal as he entered the class when he found me Half Asleep.
'And you're dead' said sagar staring at the princy.
'What's on the black board?'
'A couple of math sums, Princy.'
'Explain the 3rd.'
'Ummm...when the value of x is substituted as 5, we get the value of y equals to 2, using the values we have LHS and through simplification we get RHS.'
Looking at my confident face, princy held him from falling.
'next time I see you sleeping in class, you get your leaving certificate right there'
'Sorry principal.'Like I care.
'That's shit' said sagar with amusement.
I know, I’m awesome'. With a smile on my face I exclaimed after that perfectly wrong answer accepted by the princy.
'So what were you dreaming about?'
'As usual.'
'Yeah but I’m thinking I should ask her'
'Ask her What?'
'That i love her. Does she?'
'You're insane karthik. It has hardly been a month you both know each other. I don't think she's in love with you anyway.'
'Thank you sagar! That’s very helpful.' I left the conversation there. I was more positive about her reply and I knew it was the time. Well, I thought so..

I was a bit of scared. I needed some help but god would be so graceful to me, I never had an Idea. It was an as normal day as it could be and as every time I did, I was at tutz without my homework.  With excuses as good as Sherlock holmes’, teachers were always irritated. He gave me a stay back.  Now most of the time, stay backs are never fun but this time it was amazing. Kesha was roaming around, peeking from the back door which I was really enjoying.  Suddenly a voice advanced from behind.  A voice so sweet, it cannot belong to anyone else than her.

Hey' kesha mumbled.
Hi' I uttered in a surprised voice.
Stay back?'
So why do you never complete it on time?' She said as she entered and sat on the bench next to me.'
Habits I say, they never change. Btw I wrote a poem for you. Do you want me to read it to you?'
Damn it, of course!!' she screamed in excitement.
I opened my bag, got the poem and with a faint smile I started reading "introducing you". The moments that rise there, were really blushing.
‘wow karthik! How do you get such great rhymes?'
Inspiration, i guess.'
How many are they in total?'
What, Inspirations?
Poems, Stupid'
Eight now. Further, we'll see.' I exclaimed.
Can I read them? If only you don't mind'
No not at all. Here you go.' I handed the book to her. I was watching her and it were the top 15 minutes of days and months. Suddenly she turns and asks,
'who's she?'
The one for whom you write this awesome stuff'
No one' i answered in a blushy blush.
Ahaa, blushing! Tell me who’s she?'
I was stunned. Should i say her i love her? It was best chance i would ever get. SHE was asking me!
No one’, i said With a strong voice this time.'
Ok  i'm leaving, Bye' And she was leaving. I was missing the best opportunity i might ever get and it all started to slow down.  every step she was
taking seemed a hour.
You, kesha. It's you! I'm madly in love with you'
What? You're kidding, right?
No. i'm not. I’m Damn serious.'

She was staring at me. I was scared, Nervous and Glad. All the same time. She turned around twisting her lips and moved out. Hell with me, I thought. I should have waited a bit more. Oh, I lost our friendship! Hell with me, Can’t I control my fucking tongue! I wanted to cut off this bitch in my mouth but then, I almost proposed her! That’s fucking amazing! I was still thinking how to and suddenly I’ve did it without any plans. I did my part, now it was to her. I completed my remaining stuff and left. Next few days at school and tutz were really awkward. Whenever I looked at her, she would turn back and stare at me. At first it seemed romantic but then it was terrifying. Her innocent eyes didn’t seem all innocent at the time. I focused on the fact that she was as normal most of the time as before but I also knew she was aware of the fact that I loved her. What was spinning in my mind? I have to clear this! She just can’t act normal, she have to answer me no matter even if it’s a No...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Poet

Chapter 3
The Poet

Mid Of Monsoon, Cloudy days and it was all raining. Inside me, was too. Her Smile, her face,  were just rolling infront of my eyes and all I could see was her. No one else, ever entered my sight.she got me love sick and the only meds i had were my poems. I still can't believe i started writing poems for her.It's an extremely amazing feeling to be a writer. Yet i sat upset everyday in a thought, "how? How do i get this to her? I wanted her to know what i felt for her but i know it wasn't the right time. Teacher's day was on the skies. I didn't knew it would be any useful to me in any ways but you know, it's doesn't always happen as we thought it would be. Day at school was no new than past years . same seniors, with that old games and nothing to make out from them. lately its been years, doing the same shit and no matter what we say, we never enjoy teacher's day.

After a long boring school day, At the classes, I heard her screaming and shouting , " No tutz today, Mam". Something surely new for me! I thought she was a geek. A beautiful geek Though! Morever teacher being in a great mood said, "okay" , asking us to do the same we did at school. 'Lets say jokes. lets say some stories!!' . God, aren't we suppose to do something we want, We love! Here, param told mam that I wrote poems. Now that is something he was not supposed to say in front of kesha. I already was nervous and Everyone were forcing me to share one of mine. left with no choices, I opened my book and found "Binded in strings". with a little confidence, I started and with every word i said, and every second of her eyes staring me, I felt heaven. It felt like no one else was in the room. only she, only me. dedicating it to her, i was smiling and the way she was responding, I felt it was worth. what I felt there just for seconds felt like a life time. God, those eyes, Just looking at me and listening just me. no - one else. and it skipped my heart again.  'Skips and skips..!' Heart troubles? Definitely, Maybe..

Before I could return back to the real world, mathematics' sir, mr. Naresh gave me a shock. Now he's kinda friend, so amit and param were telling sir about what happened today. they were forcing me to propose her and I was way off that track. Mr. Naresh told me to stay conscious when it's the right time and better don’t act late.I heard it well. The thought got stuck in my mind. I mean why not? I loved her from all of my heart and it was something she needed to know!

Binded In Strings

I want you in my arms,
I want to hug you tight.

I want you in my dreams,
so beautiful it seems,

I can roll like a dice,
only to see your eyes,
show me once your smile,
so I can live for a while.

that deep looking eyes
I wish to get drown,
that red-tomato chicks,
                       I want to kiss on,

oh,my luv,
I wish the time stops sometime,
for we can live together more than a life.

though some say love is blind,
I see those lovely eyes,
                      of the love which keeps us binded in strings,
  binded in arms,
binded in love!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

F(TT) - First Talk, First Touch

Chapter 2
F(TT) - First Talk, First Touch

'Deadly! She was amazingly hot and beautifully decent. Her eyes were Gorgeous and her hairs were stunning' I said to Jaimin. Jaimin was my friend from the time I joined the school. Rich. Simple. Loving. and one of our trio.

Bored with my puzzled words, he replied, "Yeah, dude. I get it! You've got a Crush on her.' 
'Well, I really like her. What should I do?' I asked in a helpless voice. 'Don't talk to her. That's the best thing you can do to impress a girl.' he said in a husky voice. I was pretty okay with the solution because there was no way I could collect enough strength to talk to her. I was a bit of shy guy when it came to her. It went on for some days.

I was sitting on a normal day being the normal karthik. Param entered the room with his wicked idea to throw me out of the race which I never knew I was in. I did had a faint Idea about Param involved in kesha and he proved it that day putting me in a Embarrassing Situation. He with help of another shitty guy, insulted me and my thinking in such a fucking manner, I was speechless. Now, I wouldn't mind it if this was anywhere else but it was right in front of her! I was Gradually Losing my Temper and I was near to kick his Balls out of the atmosphere but what stopped me were her eyes. Her eyes showed that she hardly cared for what the fuck was he talking and arguing about! Maybe because I was hardly a known person to her. Though, it lightened me. I need not care about Param's thinking and On positive side, I now knew whom to Trust, whom not to..!

It was july 15th, my birthday. I had planned to give her a chocolate hand to hand just to touch her. now I know, It sounds like a pervert but hey, everything is fair in love and war! so there, It costed me a box of 5 - stars to give her one. what else could I have done, give it to only her, 'I didn't wanted to give anyone else, just you!'. That's where I see the line drawn between a pervert and a dedicated lover. ;)

It happened. I touched her fingers. just a slight but it really felt like I touched an angel. Her hands were so soft, it looked like they could melt any second. her touch was so electrified, I went on feeling that for hours. and not mention, Goosebumps and the skipped beat my heart gave. It felt something. I didn't knew why it did neither I do today! what I felt was something indescribable.  Was she really my soul mate or just my crush? what was it? why did it happened? I didn't knew it. It just happened!

3:00 am, Midnight, of august 17, I was just browseing facebook from param's account and I saw kesha's post. I thought it was the best time to talk, To know her. She wasn’t my facebook friend so I thought It was my chance but I couldn't cheat her. Chatting with her in someone else's name was no different than cheating! I waited a minute, asked my heart, and it said, "GO". In the name of param I dropped a message in her inbox.  Our chat lasted a hour or so. At 4 o'clock in the morning, it ended but my life just started!! first time ever I was able to talk with her so openly! thanx to facebook. I hadn't slept that night. but it was hardly 2 hours to be awake and it surely were less. I was jumping and flying through clouds.

Next day, I told param about it. he suggested me to her. I was rather more confused what param is or was than what kesha was? I needed to know her well. Now here, we became facebook friends. a day par, I went online again at three and she was online. we started. I got chances to talk.  Friends from facebook friends. there it started.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Valentine In June

Chapter 1
Valentine In June

It was evening 4 o'clock and I was moving to the tution classes I just joined. I took four of my friends to Suryakant sir who was teaching physics since 17 years. Believe me, with time I realized all he did in 17 years was counting them. So he asked us to meet him at big bazaar and said he'll lead us to the classes then. Now I was out of any hopes to find a beautiful girl in 11th because at school what I saw was a bunch of 'ugly betties'. So all I wanted now was to concentrate on my studies! You don't know me, but that is very odd me saying that. Finally param, my only good friend in the science stream, came along and we headed towards tution classes. We were four boys sitting there with hopelessness to even see a girl and suddenly over from the heavens, there entered the room a girl so beautiful, she would put angels to shame. you know what they say, 'crush at first sight'. But for me, it wasn't just a crush.it was...aa..a...a crush,okay!
moreover I just remember all gathered after the classes not discussing what they liked about the teachers but discussing what they liked about the girl. the unknown girl. who knew who was she and are we gonna see her again ever after. but i liked her a lot. There was something about her, something that kept my mind in a fathom condition. I wish I could have talked to her but for the first time I couldn't. Was I nervous?
The next day I entered the classes as usual and I expected her not to be there and as a master telepathic, I was right. there was no-one sitting there at her place. I, by no intention missed her. Someone I just saw once and god knows if i'll ever see again, I missed! There was just one image of her that flew in my mind but that one image was making it hard to do anything. Tution started regularly and 3 days par, I saw her in the house. the teacher's house. I was surprised when I came to know she's teacher's daughter. Well actually she was teacher's husband's brother's daughter. took me months to confirm that! 

'Teacher's relative! What's wrong with that?' I asked param.
'This is a bad Idea. forget her. you wouldn't want to see it's consequences.' said param. 
So now, I crushed 'kesha'. Yup, she had a name. I know it now, It's like I climbed Mount Everest. next is moon. :/